Friday, September 23, 2011


The cave has narrowed and Death and I are close.
We crawl together
Arms brushing.
I pace myself carefully, not to burn the small amount of energy I'm allowed.
When I wake, I wake hopeful. I see the future, the world outside;
I'm building it in my mind;
I'm pacing my travels,
tracing my steps,
walking on fist and toe
with large pupils
but never running on instinct;
no, only on intellectualism;
next to Death as an equal
a mutual teacher.
I show him life
and he shows me death.

We work together to create a superior being.
We work together to even the burden,
exchanging weights, answering questions,
balancing the load
between two halves
of one person.

Death and Life, functioning together,
Death creating Life, and life creating Death

We travel
towards a common goal:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Reminder

Divorces, separations, widowings
Happiness, empty, closed, reserved
Dead, never touches the eyes, alone with company
(Kissing without saliva)
Brushes the heart but never enters
(Fond but not in love)
Doors are locked
Keys are hidden
Under the mat
In the lamp
Underneath the rock
On the back porch

This house is ours
Not my own