Saturday, August 20, 2011

two evils

unsure of how to choose between
one evil and the other

i thought, why not give you a chance
i know, one day, you will break me,
i know that this won't last forever
i know that the world will destroy what we have

but i chose you
you've taught me so much
and i need to know how to love again
i chose you because
you are where I'm supposed to be
you and i are a team
you're my fate-for-now
you're my i need to understand this
you're my sleep with me tonight and wake with me tomorrow
you're my love now

i chose you
and that's all there is to it

the sweeter of evils
the painless death
the eyes closed orgasm

i chose you
and now you're mine
and it feels right.
for now.

Thursday, August 18, 2011