Monday, February 25, 2013

Silver Lining

I don't even really know how to put this.

It's a feeling, when I think about you. The way you look at things.

Your eyes. Your mind. Your body. I knew them. I understood them.

My understanding has left a silver lining on my heart, when I see you.

And how nothing in your eyes, your mind, your body, has changed.

I probably miss you.

Or maybe the scar tissue will always be sensitive.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Constant hazy eyes

I see you in everyone

I am dreaming of a life with you

In everyone I meet

My heart is in a constant state

 of breaking

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What You Gave to Me

You gave me hope
False hope, the truth was true,
And I never knew

You gave me scars
The backs of my hands, third degree burns
Crawling house fire to house fire

You had me dreaming
A love that burned the world down
I wanted to believe

A heart bigger than my body
You gave me life again
I couldn't breathe without you

You are long gone
I will never forget what you gave
And you are loved